
The Cards

The TinyWarrior Question Cards are thoughtfully crafted for self-care.

Each card presents a different, empowering question which aims to shift your thoughts and mindset towards purpose, gratitude and love.

When used as a morning or nightly ritual, these cards will have a stronger impact on your overall, mental wellbeing. Hopefully, like me, your brain will soon default to these questions on a daily basis and you will feel a stronger sense of direction and motivation.


The Back Story

I don’t know about you but I experienced a time in my life where my thoughts about myself, my future and the world around me were so negative that I felt completely overwhelmed and paralyzed to take any sort of next step. I was so in my head that I missed a lot of the real world around me…

What we say to ourselves, what we ask ourselves and the tone we use to talk to ourselves creates the lens through which we experience the outer world. The nastier the talk, the nastier our experience of the world. I wanted to shift my overactive mind’s energy from spouting out self-criticism and self-pity to producing helpful, motivating and compassionate thoughts. So I created the Tiny Warrior Question Cards… I hope they bring you even the tiniest amount of clarity.

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